Interdisciplinary Research on Asylum Law and Courts

Cathryn Costello and Jessica Breaugh provided a keynote presentation at a workshop, entitled "Flucht vor Recht – Flucht ins Recht? Empirisch-interdisziplinäre Asylrechtsforschung am Schauplatz Gericht" held in hybrid form at the Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany on 30 September & 1 October 2021. They discussed the empirical study of refugee recognition processes generally, the particular challenges of studying UNHCR mandate R efugee Status Determination (RSD), and the turn to surveys of decision-makers and others as a data source. They discussed the role of surveys in sociolegal research, in particular the RegMig survey developed to examine he workings of UNHCR mandate RSD. It is anticipated that the manuscripts presented at the workshop will form the basis of a special issue of the German Journal of Forced Migration and Refugee Studies ( Zeitschrift für Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung – Z’Flucht).

A short summary of this workshop on methods is available here.

News, EventBryony Varnam